How would you like to be able to create a vision board to help crystallize and set a sharper focus on your goals and dreams?

I’m sure you’ve heard of a vision board. Maybe you’ve even created one.

But was your vision board portable? Could you carry it with wherever you went to lift you up when you were down and to rekindle your dreams?

It may have been a great vision board, but I’m guessing it pretty much stayed where it was, tacked to a wall in your house.

Introducing The Look Book

That’s why we’re incredibly excited about our new project — a portable vision board! We’re calling it The Look Book.

My sister and I have been hard at work, creating a fantastic new type of vision board — one that goes where you go. No more sticking your vision board on a wall and forgetting about it.

Ours goes with you wherever you go. It’s not some tiny little pad of paper you can’t read. No, our vision board will be a full-sized version that folds into a book. A small book.

A portable book.

Take Your Dreams With You

Visualization is the most powerful way to clarify your life dreams, visions and goals. Holding them in your head keeps them fuzzy and unclear. They morph. They change shape.

They move in and out of focus.

But imagine taking your vision board out of your purse or pocket and looking at it whenever the mood strikes. Sharing your dreams with others.

Keeping your dreams and aspirations front and center.

What You Can Look Forward To

As I mention in the video, we’re creating kits in various themes for our Look Book. If your dreams include animals, you’ll be able to choose an animal-related theme. If you’re into vintage, we’ll have you covered. Military? Yup, we’ll have that too.

Along with many other themes to help you create your most personalized Look Book.

Your kit will include step-by-step instructions, a resource list for inspiration and idea generation, as well as many other easy-to-use tips and tools. We’re planning classes and workshops to help you as well.

You’ll have everything you need to gather and focus on your life’s visions, your dreams, goals, and aspirations.

You’ll have such fun creating your portable vision board — your Look Book! You’ll tap into your creative side and express your inner child.

We’re so excited about our Look Book that we just couldn’t wait to tell you about it.

We’ll be rolling out more information on how to get your Look Book shortly. Stay tuned for future updates and information in the coming days and weeks.

Until then, start thinking about how you’re going to use your Look Book now. You’ll want to be ready to get started the minute you get your hands on yours.

While you wait for the release of The Look Book, click this link to read an article that will be helpful in jumpstarting the brainstorming process in preparation for creating your Look Book: Life Legacy. 




ARNP, Holistic Health Coach. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.

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