Wellness: The Neti Pot is Your Friend

Wellness: The Neti Pot is Your Friend

The neti pot is your friend. It really is. Don’t fear the neti pot. For those of you who just answered, “OK…um, what’s a neti pot?”, read on. For those who know, but become conveniently absent-minded when their doctor suggests using one,...
Weight loss Truths And Myths

Weight loss Truths And Myths

Have you ever tried to lose weight by eliminating certain foods you eat and found yourself cheating on your diet? Most people have tried to lose weight through methods like starvation, eliminating snacks, as well as cutting back on eating fast foods. Many people may...
Let’s Set Some Goals

Let’s Set Some Goals

So you know you want to lose 20 pounds, run a marathon, gain mass, eat better, or maybe just get in shape. Whatever your end goal is, it exist right? You know where you want to be physically. You just have to get there, but you’re struggling or maybe just not...
Vision Boards for the Skeptic: What’s the Point?

Vision Boards for the Skeptic: What’s the Point?

You’re probably hearing a lot of buzz about this thing called a Vision Board right now. You’ve heard about how it can help you clarify your goals and keep you focused as you work toward them. You’ve seen some pretty elaborate ones proudly posted on Facebook and...