Kombucha originated in Asia over 2000 years ago, and it continues to be used regularly in Eastern society today for its many health benefits. Its use has spread within Western culture over the last few decades, but you may wonder why you might want to consider incorporating it into your healthy lifestyle.

Scientists have found a link between unhealthy gut bacteria in many conditions, including overweight and obesity. Our modern lifestyle can seriously imbalance our gut flora even when eating a fairly healthy diet.

Things like chronic stress, infections, diets low in healthy fermentable fibers, eating refined and processed foods, overuse of antibiotics and even birth control use may cause an imbalance to your microflora. Here are a few of the symptoms of a possible imbalance:

  • excessive gas, bloating or diarrhea
  • the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease
  • the diagnosis of fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome
  • a mood disorder, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar
  • candida overgrowth
  • allergies

Fermented foods such as kombucha have natural probiotics that work to restore a healthy balance of microflora, and in turn, a healthy gut results in weight loss.

“Simply put, if you get the microbiome— that collection of bacteria inside you —healthy, you will lose weight,” says Raphael Kellman, MD, a New York City physician and author of The Microbiome Diet. “It’s less about eating a certain percentage of carbohydrates, protein and fat than about correcting the overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria, which is making you crave the wrong foods, triggering inflammation.”

Quality kombucha can be purchased in any health food store, but it’s very easy and inexpensive to make your own. For the best outcome, drink kombucha daily to start looking and feeling better.



ARNP, Holistic Health Coach. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.

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