Do you feel you can’t afford to eat healthy food? You’re not alone. Many people list the perceived high cost of healthy foods as an obstacle to healthy eating. However, with a little planning and thought, you can eat healthy without breaking the bank. Try some of these tips:

1. Plan Ahead:  Start by planning your meals and snacks for the week. This allows you to take advantage of sales. Build your weekly menu around what is on sale that week. You can also make better use of leftovers and what is already in the refrigerator.

2. Buy in Bulk:  This is not the same as buying in bulk from a warehouse store. Bulk bins can be found in most supermarkets and contain a variety of foods such as grains, beans, nuts, nut butters, etc. You weigh or measure the food yourself and put it into plastic bags or containers.

3. Cook Seasonally:  Stick with fruits and vegetables that are in season. They are easier to find and cost less than out of season produce.

4. Freeze It:  Buy extra fresh produce when it is on sale or in season, then freeze it for future use.

5. Use it or Lose It:  Once a month, try cooking using what is already in your refrigerator and pantry. You may find you already have enough food for a few days. Doing this once a month can add up to significant savings over the year.

4. Try More Meat-Free Meals:  Make beans, whole grains, and vegetables the focus of your meals. Dried beans and whole grains (such as quinoa, whole wheat couscous, and brown rice) cost less than meat and last longer in your pantry. Dried beans are also an excellent source of protein.

5. Go to the Farm:  You can find a great variety of local produce and other food products at farmer’s markets. Also consider trying a local Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) program. Both options offer locally grown produce at prices that are often cheaper than supermarkets. Find one near you at Local Harvest.



ARNP, Holistic Health Coach. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.

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