Many people dread exercising while others swear that they enjoy a good sweat session. Does anyone really enjoy exercising or are they lying to us? Do they know a secret that they should tell the world? Is there a way to make exercising fun and more enjoyable?  How are you ever going to get that weight loss when you dread going to the gym every day?

Here are some tips for making exercising fun!

  • Exercise with a friend. Exercising by yourself can get boring. Find someone to join you at the gym so you have someone to talk to or grab a group of friends and take a walk around the block.
  • Take a class. Many gyms offer a lot of different classes for you to try. It is hard to get bored if you are constantly trying new things.
  • Play sports. Sports count as exercise so find a group of friends and play a sport such as tennis, basketball, or anything else that you enjoy.
  • Listen to music or watch television. Often, especially when you are on the treadmill, it can get boring. If you listen to music or watch television, you will put a little more energy in your workout. It will also help the time go a little faster.
  • Switch it up. Don’t do the same routine every day or you (and your body) will get bored. Take classes, do the treadmill, and walk outside when you can. When you can’t make it to the gym, do workout videos at home.

There are plenty of ways to make exercise fun!  You should find a friend to exercise with and make sure that you always switch it up. You can take classes, play sports, and exercise outside (when the weather allows you too). Many people enjoy listening to music or watching television to help their time go by faster. Be sure to make exercise a part of your routine so you can get healthy and lose weight!



ARNP, Holistic Health Coach. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.

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