Setting Realistic Fitness Goals

Setting Realistic Fitness Goals

With so much to do in our busy lives, our fitness can take a backseat to all of it. However, if you are trying to make your fitness a priority, now is a great time to start setting your fitness goals for today and the New Year. You can use these steps to set a goal...
The Path to Goals

The Path to Goals

Goals. What if they did not exist? Would anything exist? Is not the goal of the universe itself to continue with its vast expansion? What of the bird in flight fleeing from a long cold winter? To arise and face the day, mere survival is the goal for so many. Clutched...
Embrace, Don’t Fear, Struggle

Embrace, Don’t Fear, Struggle

Struggle. A word that conjures up images of fighting for something and making mistakes, falling, getting back up. Struggling means you’re pushing hard for something, deep in concentration. And for many reasons, you try to avoid that struggle. You want things to...