The thigh gap.  What is it? Why is it so highly coveted? When did it become synonymous with beauty?

Every time it pops up in the press, women begin to doubt everything about themselves. For want of a thigh gap, they’re somehow lacking. Not good enough. Not pretty enough.

Not thin enough.

Or so they believe.

Societal pressure, fashion magazine spreads, and unscrupulous fitness trainers continue to keep the myth of the thigh gap alive and well. And the result is yet another reason for too many women to make unhealthy, even dangerous, exercise and diet choices in an attempt to be physically perfect.

This societal pressure is at the root of many eating disorders, over training, and negative self-images among women.Young women, in particular.

Who Needs A Thigh Gap?

Just what, exactly, is a thigh gap? It is quite literally a gap, or space, between the thighs of some women when they stand with their feet together. Notice I said some women? Not all women.

And whether you have one or not has little to do with body weight or body fat content.

Both thin and overweight women can have a thigh gap. It’s a question of bone structure. Women who have wider hips combined with a longer femoral head are more likely to have a thigh gap.

Yes, weight loss can sometimes reveal a thigh gap, provided the bone structure allows for it. But for many women, no amount of dieting and exercise will ever show a thigh gap. If their bone structure doesn’t allow for one, it won’t be there. Period. End of story.

Unfortunately, for too many women, the desire to have a thigh gap becomes an obsession, leading to eating disorders, exercising and training too hard, and a negative self-image.

Photoshopping Gone Bad

Pick up any fashion magazine and what do you see? You see glitzy, glamorous women, perfect makeup, perfect hair, perfect body.  And probably a thigh gap.

What you don’t see is the optimal lighting, the professionally applied camouflage makeup or the pre-photoshopped images. And no matter how hard we try, real life is never going to look like a photoshopped picture.

The sad part is too many women spend hours trying to look like a photo in a magazine, only to feel unhappy and unattractive when they fail.

And young girls who’re just starting to pay attention to the images portrayed in magazines are at the greatest risk, but any woman can fall prey to this misconception masquerading as truth.

What Matters, What Doesn’t

What is a healthy, beautiful body? How should you strive to be the best you can be, thigh gap or not?

Being beautiful, healthy, and fit comes from taking care of yourself. Eating a clean, healthful diet, but not dieting, per se.

It means getting enough exercise to keep your body fit and flexible and in good working order. For some, more extreme levels of fitness are desirable. Athletes, figure competitors, body builders all have reason to train harder than the average person.

If you’re taking care of yourself, getting enough sleep, keeping stress levels down, eating right, being active, you’re going to look and feel your best.

Whether you have a thigh gap or not doesn’t even deserve to be on your radar. It just doesn’t matter. It’s not a measure of health and beauty. Or self-worth.

You’re Beautiful, Just As You Are

You are uniquely you. Everyone is beautiful, in their individual way. What a boring world this would be if we were all cookie-cutter images of each other. Conjures up an image of something from a science fiction movie, doesn’t it?

Cyborgs who’re walking around with the same face, the same body, the same everything. It’s not an accident that these movies are often considered science fiction/horror stories.

Celebrate the person you are. Rejoice in your unique brand of beauty, strength, and fitness. There’s no one else exactly like you. And that’s wonderfully exciting.

You’re made up of bits and pieces of your ancestors — your mother’s nose, your father’s high cheekbones.

Look back at photos of your grandparents and great grandparents. If the fashions of the time allow, you may or may not see a thigh gap. Chances are if no one in your genealogy had one, you won’t either.

Lucky for them, back at the turn of the century, no one even knew what a thigh gap was, much less talked about it.

Put things in perspective. Be happy with who you are. If you have a thigh gap, well, that’s just part of who you are.

But believe me, it’s not the most important part. Not by a long shot.

Be Your Best Self

Strive to be healthy. Focus on eating well.  Exercise on a daily basis. Grow your mind. Expand your horizons.

Make friends.

Fall in love.

Laugh. Cry. Live.

And put the thigh gap where it belongs — on the list of characteristics you may or may not possess.

It’s not what makes you unique. It’s not what makes you special.

You’re already special and unique.

Thigh gap or not.

For more information on how Reach Higher With Teri can help you be your best self, just complete this form and we’ll help you chose a program that’s perfect for you:  Contact Teri.



ARNP, Holistic Health Coach. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.

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