8 Tips For Promoting Consistency In Your WorkoutConsistency can be one of the biggest challenges when working out. Everyone can find a workout routine that will work for their own strengths and weaknesses. But a workout routine and diet is only as efficient as it is consistent.

Here are 8 tips to encouraging consistency in your work out:

  1. Proper Goals – Everyone needs goals, but some people make the mistake of only considering long term goals. Long term goals can be frustrating and discouraging. Often times they seem out of reach. Be sure to set smaller more attainable goals. They can be as simple as work out 3 times a week. Having a goal that you can complete adds to accomplishment.
  2. Breaks – Don’t mistake a break with giving up. Everyone needs a day off; just don’t make it a habit. Also, don’t give up on your workout plan or diet just because it was your birthday and you had a piece of cake.
  3. Acknowledge Problems– Don’t be afraid to admit that there is a problem. If you are working out so hard that you are too sore to work out the next day, don’t feel as though you are wrong to consider lightening your load a little bit. Feeling overwhelmed hurts your desire to be consistent. Also, ignoring problems can lead to injuries.
  4. Variety – One of the great things about programs such as P90X is the diversity of the workouts. Don’t let yourself get bored by doing the exact same thing every day. Consider talking to an expert or personal trainer for advice.
  5. Schedule – Life is busy. Consider setting aside a set time for your workouts. By scheduling them, you will hold yourself more accountable. You will be less likely to skip out.
  6. Workout Buddy – Whether it is a real life friend or joining an online support community, having a friend can help encourage consistency. Things are a lot less boring when you have someone keeping tabs or working out right along with you.
  7. Tracking – Most people don’t want to be bothered, but tracking can be a great incentive. It is so rewarding to see your progress in terms of weight, length of time, etc. It encourages continued devotion to your workout.
  8. Rewards – Allow yourself some rewards for attaining certain goals. The rewards could be directly related to consistency (e.g. Working out x number of weeks in a row) or rewards that couldn’t be attained without being consistent (e.g. increasing a certain amount of weight, running longer, etc.)

Consistency is a central part of any workout. Success doesn’t come without it. These are some tips to help keep yourself focused.