Leg Lifts for Women’s Fitness

Leg Lifts for Women’s Fitness

At some point or other, most women have dreamt about having gorgeous legs like Marilyn Monroe. Well, now it doesn’t have to be just a dream. Leg lifts will help you get those wonderful, shapely legs and can be done with or without weights. You’re not alone if you feel...
8 Simple Ways to Keep Your Motivation Going Strong!

8 Simple Ways to Keep Your Motivation Going Strong!

We’ve all heard it before, “Starting any routine or life change is said to be the easy part.” Staying Motivated is the true challenge. Without it, success is an unlikely accomplishment. As adults we all stay so busy with work, family life, and other...
How Much Exercise Is Needed for a 40-Year-Old to Lose Weight?

How Much Exercise Is Needed for a 40-Year-Old to Lose Weight?

Ah, the age of 40. It can be a great age….except for that little problem of your metabolism being slower than it was when you were in your 20’s or, sadly, even in your 30’s. This can make losing weight much harder than it was before. The answer is to discover...
Home Workouts for Beginners

Home Workouts for Beginners

   If you’ve decided it’s time to get in shape but are wondering which gym to join or exercise DVDs to buy, take a step back. Start slow and take the time to find out how you’ll fit workouts into your schedule and what kinds of exercises appeal to you. Home...
You are Never too Old for Insanity – Five Ways to Make It Work at Any Age

You are Never too Old for Insanity – Five Ways to Make It Work at Any Age

You are Never too Old for Insanity – Five Ways to Make It Work at Any Age!   Once you push play and complete a Shaun T workout, everyone in your household will know that you have pushed yourself to the limit. Your face will have that flushed glow with a...